Elias K. Oakes

I'm studying

About me

I'm a PhD candidate at the University of Connecticut, researching the structure of the interstellar medium (clouds of gas and dust in space) and its relation to star formation. As part of the PHANGS collaboration, my work focuses on nearby, massive, star-forming galaxies like the Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253), which we reveal at high resolution using telescopes like ALMA, JWST, and HST.

My expertise includes decomposition algorithms to identify cloud-like structures in molecular gas, as well as data reduction for the PHANGS-ALMA and PHANGS-JWST pipelines. I'm also highly involved in several community outreach and advocacy projects including the UConn STARs program, Skype a Scientist, the PHANGS YouTube and colloquium series, and UConn's Graduate Employee and Postdoc Union.

You can read more about my research, publications, and outreach on this page.


Scientific interests

  • Interstellar medium in nearby galaxies

  • Structure and hierarchy of the interstellar medium

  • Star formation and evolution

  • Structural decomposition of molecular gas maps

  • Dust and PAH emission

  • Accessibility and science education

Technical expertise

  •  Python, C, ROOT, Java, HTML


  •   ALMA, JWST, IRAM 30m, SMA


A selection of my current and former research projects. For a closer look, click the on one of the figures below, or click the for more details.


"The Fraction of Dust Mass in the Form of PAHs on 10-50 pc Scales in Nearby Galaxies." Sutter, J. et al. (incl. Oakes, Elias K.) 2024, Accepted to ApJ, arxiv:astro-ph/2405.15102.

"PHANGS-JWST: Data Processing Pipeline and First Full Public Data Release." Williams, T. G. et al. (incl. Oakes, Elias K.) 2024, ApJS, 273, 13.

"The impact of HII regions on Giant Molecular Cloud properties in nearby galaxies sampled by PHANGS ALMA and MUSE." Zakardjian, A., Pety, J., Herrera, C. N., Hughes, A., Oakes, Elias K., and the PHANGS collaboration 2023, A&A, 678, A171.

"Distances to Local Group Galaxies via Population II, Stellar Distance Indicators II: The Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal." Oakes, Elias K., Hoyt, T. J., Freedman, W. L., Madore, B. F., Tran, Q. H., Cerny, W., Beaton, R. L., and Seibert, M. 2022, ApJ, 786, 64.

"Distances to Local Group Galaxies via Population II, Stellar Distance Indicators I: The Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal." Tran, Q. H., Hoyt, T. J., Freedman, W. L., Madore, B. F., Oakes, Elias K., Cerny, W., Hatt, D., and Beaton, R. L. 2022, ApJ, 935, 34.

"Multi-Wavelength, Optical (VI) and Near-Infrared (JHK) Calibration of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Method based on Milky Way Globular Clusters." Cerny, W., Freedman, W. L., Madore, B. F., Ashmead, F., Hoyt, T., Oakes, Elias K., Tran, Q. H., and Moss, B. 2020, arxiv:astro-ph/0507244.

Outreach & Teaching

Rather than imposing knowledge or charity from the top down, I believe in empowering students and minoritized groups to learn, do science, and advocate for themselves. I'm proud to carry out this philosophy in my teaching, undergraduate mentorship, and work with the STARs program. I'm also a strong believer in science communication, which I support through volunteering with Skype a Scientist and coordinating several outreach efforts for the PHANGS team.


I'm currently a course assistant and teaching assistant for PHYS 1025Q: Introductory Astronomy with Laboratory. If you're a student looking to reach me, find my office hours and contact info below. In the past, I've led two sections each of lab-based introductory physics classes: General Physics with Calculus I (1401Q) and Physics for Engineers II (1502Q). When teaching, I strive to remain approachable, engaged, and promote hands-on learning.


During the 2022-23 academic year, I helped guide Neal Krishna, an undergraduate student in the Faesi group, through his honors thesis project. He presented this research, "A pixel-to-pixel analysis of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relationship in NGC 4254", at the American Astronomical Society's 241st meeting in Seattle, Washington. Neal is currently a Fullbright scholar in Taiwan.


The UConn Science Technology and Astronomy Recruits (STARs) program, started by Prof. Battersby and students in 2022, aims to recruit and retain undergraduate students from historically excluded groups in Physics. I am a graduate co-lead of the program, working with the cohort to organize professional development workshops, social and community-building events, and physics lessons at local schools.

Skype a Scientist

Through Skype a Scientist, I'm connected with classrooms, families, and student groups around the world to talk about astrophysics. I've given presentations (including about the lunar phases and eclipses), guided student projects (including about Mars colonization), answered questions, and discussed my research with many different groups since becoming a graduate student. If you're interested in a call, get in touch!

PHANGS YouTube & Colloquia

Sharing the awesome research happening in the PHANGS collaboration is an essential part of our duty as scientists. With a few other PHANGS members, I recently started our YouTube channel for public-facing videos about recent discoveries and publications. Additionally, I coordinate a monthly PHANGS colloquium series to keep the collaboration informed about cross-discipline research and build early-career members' presentation skills.

Union Organizing

A positive working environment is one where quality research thrives! I'm an elected member of the executive board of UConn's Graduate Employee and Postdoc Union (GEU-UAW Local 6950). As the Guide, I'm responsible for coordinating our stewards to lead outreach to local members, organize events and political actions, and address grievances. If you have any questions about the Union, want to get involved, or have concerns about your working conditions, please get in touch!

  • All
  • STARs
  • Skype a Scientist
  • Other

STARs members on a sunny day in 2023.

Some December solar observing on the UConn campus.

Speaking with students in Seoul about living on Mars.

Notes from an early-career scientist in Michigan after a call.

Neal Krishna, an undergraduate mentee, presenting his work at AAS.

STARs members at UConn.

Set up and ready to observe some solar flares.

Learning about the Sun with students from Hartford Public School.

Notes from a student in the UK with a passion for asteroids after a call.

Setting up solar telescopes with Hartford Public School students.

Hartford Public School students excited to be shocked by a Van de Graaff generator.


Check out my CV for more about my professional experience.

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Send me an email, find me on campus, or share some (anonymous) feedback below!

For walk-in office hours, find me in the PLRC (Gant South 216) Tuesdays 11-12, Wednesdays 9-10, Thursdays 11-12, and Fridays 9-11.

Otherwise, email me to coordinate a time.